Sr. Girls Rock the Block


The 12 team volleyball tournament happened in the Dinsmore Memorial Arena this past weekend and it was an entire community effort in making it happen. The community of Dinsmore decided that they would put cement into the arena, along with a new ice plant, last summer.  Lance Morrison approached the Rink board to see if they would allow him to use the rink for volleyball in the fall.  They agreed which put all the other plans in motion.

The Dinsmore Kinsmen agreed to support the venture by building the standards that would hold the nets up. Brad Blackwell’s farm played host to this part of the project.  Before school began Lance prepared the cement surface by cleaning it , along with the help of  Taylor Hanes and other great volunteers tapied the lines on the ice pad.  Local resident, Buzz Folliott, Lance and some more volunteers painted the lines on August 29th and last couple of weeks Lance put the final touches on the courts so that they are ready for the tournament.  

There were 12 Senior girls teams playing the 1st annual ROCK THE BLOCK volleyball tournament at the Dinsmore Memorial Arena.

Congratulations to all the teams for the tremendous skill they showed and the sportsmanship they showed throughout the tournament. Congratulations to the winning team from Elrose.

Mr. and Mrs. Morrison look forward to making this an annual event!

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