DCS Junior Badminton Update


This season for Dinsmore Composite School Jr. Badminton was busy for all. With a total of 26 players signed up in the beginning there was a lot of interest. We travelled to Beechy, Kyle, and hosted our own tournament in Dinsmore. Students who atteneded practice gave Ms.Blomert and Mrs. Sobkowicz some much needed entertainment and laughs. We really enjoyed coaching you all this year. 
     Dylan, Troy, Bailey, Brooklyn, Alisha, Hailley M., Wyatt, Brady, Spencer, Tristen, and Ryan represented DCS at sectionals in Elrose. We have some tough games going to three sets and came out with seven athletes advancing to districts. Dylan, Ryan, Tristen, Logan, Mason, Alisha, and Hailley M. attended districts in Kindersley. This was a great learning experience for all as we saw a high quality of competition. We were complimented for our sportsman ship and our determination and grit during games. Dylan played with incredible determination as he was met with some amazing competition. He never gave up and played as hard as he could. Ryan and Tristen played their hearts our as well and both teams ended up losing out in the round robin. Logan and Mason made it to the play offs but lost to Elrose and gained 4th place overall. Hailley M and Alisha made it through the day undefeated until the gold metal final match. They placed 2nd overall. Congrats to all athletes on their amazing accomplishments and growth this season. 

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