Spread Kindness


Spread Kindness Bulletin Board

This is “Spread Kindness” Week at DCS. Students and staff can nominate others for their acts of kindness and post their nomination on the bulletin board by the office. Let’s see if we can fill our bulletin board with nominations! At the end of the week, all nominations will go into a kindness draw. One K-6 student and one student in Grades 7-12 will receive a gift on behalf of the School Community Council (SCC) as a way to say thank you for their kindness. The kindness nomination forms have been printed on pink shirts so that we can also recognize Pink Shirt Day which is on Wednesday this week.
Many thanks to our grade 5/6 classroom for helping create our Spread Kindness school activity!

Each day, we will also share a quote about kindness and the impact that it has on others. Today’s quote is from the book, Wonder. “It’s not enough to be friendly. You have to be a friend.”

Go spread kindness DCS.

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