Hi-Flyer - A Final Editorial

William Norris


We are delighted to share William's last editorial with everyone. We were sad to see the Hi-Flyer year cut short but we are so thankful for our wonderful readers!

This school year has been far from standard. Barely into the second half of the year, and Covid-19 reared her ugly head. The school year effectively ended a few months early. No final exams, no sports, and no more hi-flyer. We thought it would be good to have a final editorial. To end it on a sweet note.

Despite all of this, the staff (you guys are the best! Thank you so much!) and community here in Dinsmore pulled together to make a graduation that is fit for history books. The turnout for the parade was much greater than could have been expected. To everyone who came out to cheer us on, I would like to say thank you for all the excitement and support over the weekend. It really was a fantastic time!

Due to the lack of available activities available recently, many people have been learning new things and expanding their “horizons”. Personally, I have been taking a class over the summer to pass the time and have some fun. It’s been fairly boring, not having as much opportunities to see friends, but if it means I don’t have to take any final exams, I suppose I can manage.

This is basically my farewell editorial. I want to thank all my readers for listening to my ramblings and for all the kind words and support that was shown to me these past couple years. I don’t know who will be taking my place next year, but I hope that they come to appreciate the job and community as much as I have. You’ve all been a fantastic audience and I hope that you continue to support the hi-flyer in the coming years. It’s been a struggle to find students willing to be a part of the hi-flyer and I’m counting on the students of DCS to keep this program going.

I would also like to extend my thanks to Ms. Keeler and Mrs. McIntyre for leading the hi-flyer and making Tuesday nights a bit more fun. Thank you to Ryan Kako for getting Hi-flyers where they needed to be. Thanks goes out to Savanna Blackwell for the fantastic cover art on the front of each edition. And finally, I would like to thank Samuel Friesen for sticking stickers to pages. That was my least favorite part of the process, and I am glad you picked up my slack.

Like my days in high school, that’s a wrap. Stay Healthy.
William J. Norris

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