About Us

Welcome to DCS

From the Front Office

"Guiding 21st century learners to be independent and resilient citizens" is our lived vision at DCS. Flexible learning environments, personalized pacing, and student choice and voice are some of the ways in which our school supports student learning. Technology integration also plays an important role as students use devices such as iPads and laptops to enhance their learning. In addition to a focus on academics, we place a great deal of importance on mental and physical wellness, and work to ensure that our school is a safe and welcoming place for all.

As a K-12 school, the school culture at Dinsmore can best be described as an extended family. Our SRC does a fantastic job of planning activities that include all ages. Through our mentorship classes and DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) time, we partner older students with younger students to foster connections. With just over 100 students, we are a close-knit group!

Dinsmore Composite School is a strong example of how a rural community and school can work together to ensure success for all. Staff and community members volunteer to lead teams and clubs which opens up many opportunities for student participation in extra-curricular activities. DCS works closely with community organizations and businesses as students connect their learning experiences within the community in various ways.

Our vibrant SCC provides multple opportunities for famiies to connect with the school as well as supporting our school goals, including our literacy initiative, One School, One Book. Their support has been invaluable to our school!

Where You Can Find Us

Dinsmore Composite School
Home of the Wildcats

Mailing Address:
PO Box 490 
Dinsmore, SK  
S0L 0T0       

Street Address:
200 - 3rd Ave West
Dinsmore, SK
S0L 0T0 


(306) 846-2188  


(306) 846-2112


